Helping Disillusioned Corporate Professionals to Find or Create Meaningful Work

The issue of a lack of meaning and fulfilment in work is endemic across the globe today. At the more extreme and severe end of the spectrum, it has been noted in pop-culture that “we work jobs we hate, to buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like” (Palahniuk, 1996). While this […]
What is that nagging voice in our head and what is it trying to tell us?

Each and every one of us has a voice in our head that whispers to us in quiet moments, subtly trying to reveal innate insights that guide us to what we need at our deepest levels. Often it is barely perceptible unless we deliberately make space for it, but it is always there softly nudging […]
Why you should not treat your Job as your Calling

Over the years I have spoken with many corporate professionals who unwittingly treat their jobs as their “calling” in the sense that, on some level, they hope and expect their jobs to be a primary source of satisfaction and fulfilment and end up becoming deeply frustrated when that does not turn out to be the […]